Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A question in life.

My whole life I have been dedicated to pursuing my career. I said I would leave everything behind, jump over every obstacle, and run towards my dreams..and I did. I left a lot of people and opportunities behind.. a lot of friends, family, and relationships. I never thought about it before, because like I said, it was a price I was willing to pay. I always thought it for my betterment and that I would be happy in the end.
Then the straw came that broke the camels back. And for the first time in my life I questioned what I was doing, and questioned what I gave up and how much more I could. I never thought this day would come, but when I thought about it, I realized that the road to success can be lonely when traveled alone. My worst fear use to be failure..but as my life has gone on I realize there are worse things to be afraid of..like a life of riches with no one to share it with. I don't want fame and success if the price I pay is everyone I love. It's something I have been mulling in my head for a couple days now...and it scares the shit out of me. It scares me that something could actually make me question what I have been so driven for for so long, and that if I keep this drive, if I keep traveling like a horse with blinders on...my life may take a direction I wanted, but at a cost greater than the end prize.
I am not yet willing to give up my dreams, and I am going to pursue this...I just pray I making the right decision.

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