Sunday, June 6, 2010

I really have nothing to proclaim

So I quit my job about a week ago, and lets just say that since then the couch has become very familiar with my ass. So instead I have decided to post some of my work. The first is a drawing of a model I ripped out of a magazine, its the first full face drawing I have ever done, so there are lots of flaws, but for a first try its ok.

The second is a head shot I did of my lovely muse Gabrielle Guarinello. This is my best friends little sister, and the older she has become, the better friends we have become. Now we all have to have a source of inspiration, and for me, shes just the type of girl I want to design for. So I find it appropriate to acknowledge her early on in my career, very early since it hasn't really happened yet.

So without further a due, here they are.

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